Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tools Of The Trade: Whiteboard

The whiteboard! Or mirror or blackboard or whatever you use that can be put on display and erasable. I've talked about how I use my whiteboard to keep track of my tasks. But it can be used for so much more.

You can display a saying for keep you motivated. You can have your calendar on there with your upcoming event.

My blackboard as my to do list (it is very satisfying to cross something off and then seeing what you are accomplishing). I also have my dead lines for ongoing deals (it's amazing how easy it is to forget about the deadlines). There is my calendar with all my obligations (work, family, real estate, etc). Finally I also have my lists. I'm a list maker. For example I have a Cashflow event coming up at the Didsbury Library, so I am keeping a list of attendees; that's on the board.

Have fun with your board, feel free to decorate it. Put up inspirational stuff. Get multiple dry erase markers and colour code your notes.

When selecting your board, make sure you don't go too small. Don't be afraid to dedicate a good portion of your wall to your dreams. Also, mostly if it's going to be in a high traffic area in your house (which I recommend for it to be so that it's looked at a lot) pick out something that is attractive and that matches your décor.

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